Specific Letters: "d", "t", "h", "f", "l", "i" and "j"magnified

1 - What do the stems of the "t" and "d" look like?
Below, select the one that BEST describes the majority of the lower case letters "d" and "t" in the handwriting being analyzed.

Loop in the "d" or "t" stem

Stems shaped like an Indian teepee or upside down V

Stems retraced like a single line, but not overly high

Stems retraced like a single line, and abnormally high/tall

Stems looped, AND abnormally high/tall (especially the letter d)

Stem is a single vertical stroke bowed to the right like a sail full of wind

Stem a single straight vertical stroke

Stem a single vertical stroke bowed to the left like it's being sucked backwards

A combination of all three or four stem styles

None of the above

Are any of the TOPS of the d stem loops FLATtened on top like a tabletop?

2 - What do the stems of the "h", "l" and "f" look like (not the lower loops; just the upper stems)?
Below, select the one that BEST describes the majority of the lower case letters "h", "f" and "l" in the handwriting being analyzed.

Normal loops in the letter stems...

Over 50% of the stems retraced like a single line (no loops)...

Some stems retraced like a single line, but not more than half of them...

Stems look like tents, not retraced or looped...

Stems are made of a single downward stroke without any lead-in stroke

Lots of abnormally shaped loops

A combination of several of the above stem styles

None of the above

3 - Hump upstroke in the letter h

Upstroke into the h hump loops to the left of the stem

Upstroke into the h hump retraces the stem

Upstroke into the h hump is to the right of the stem

Upstroke into the h hump swings far to the right of the stem

4 - Where is the i-dot or j-dot located?

Very close to top of stem

2-3 (or more) letters from the stem to the right

2-3 (or more) letters from the stem to the left

Neither, just about normal

Abnormally high and to the right

A bit right of the stem, average height

A bit left of the stem, average height

No dot at all

5 - What does the i-dot look like in the majority of the i's and j's in the sample? (This one can be a little tricky, so look at your sample closely).

Open or circle dot above the stem

The slashed i-dot, typically with a sharp point at one end...

Combination... some dots, some open, some circles, some slashes...

No dot at all.

A horizontal dash, versus a slash with a sharp point on it.

A vertical dash (not a slash with a sharp point on it).

Vertical or irregular 'comma' shape (NOT a straight dash).

The 'wavy' dash.

The heavy 'club' or hooked dash.

The light but firm dot.

The heavy dot.

None of the above.
