Letter Size, Slant, Spacing and Connections

Select the ONE option that best describes each characteristic of the handwriting.


Letter Size:

Microscopic and very likely, hard to read...

Small, but not so tiny that it is hard to read...

Not too big, not too small, pretty average overall...

LARGE handwriting...

Letter Slant:

Predominant left slant


Slant is halfway between vertical, and all the way to the right

Hard right slant

Obvious slant variation, left and right, in the same sentence

Horizontal Letter and Word Spacing:

Letters all scrunched together, but word spacing ok...

Letters AND Words all scrunched together...

Letters and words consistently spaced about right...

Words spaced abnormally far apart but letters ok...

Words AND Letters spaced abnormally far apart...

Letter and Word Spacing completely inconsistent...

Letters tight and Word Spacing large...

Letter Connections:

Letters ALL connect...

Some letters connected...

Letters ALL disconnected...

Letters: Rounded or Angular...

Letters have nice rounded appearance...

Letters are angular looking...

Sample is a mix of both rounded and angular letter writing styles...

Sample just plain looks awkward, without any clear pattern...

Letter Connections: Garland, Angular, Arcaded, or Threaded...

Connections between letters have nice rounded appearance, like garland...

Connections between letters are very angular looking...

Connections between letters look like high arcades...

Connections between letters look like threads...

Sample just plain has them all, without any clear pattern...

Letters aren't even connected, almost like printing, but most letters are still in cursive...
