Specific Signature Traits and Lead-in Strokes

Check the option that applies best for each set of descriptions. If any check-boxes apply, click them as well.


The first letter of the signature is disproportionally larger than the other letters.
The first letter of the signature is capitalized about right in size compared to the rest of the letters in the signature.
The first letter of the signature is smaller than the rest of the letters in the signature.

The signature appears clear and legible.
The signature appears 'hurried' but not necessarily 'muddy', whether legible or not.
The signature appears 'muddy' and illegible.
The signature is completely illegible, though clear.

The signature is underlined in some way.
The signature is "umbrella'd" in some way with a horizontal stroke overshadowing it.
The signature has one or more "slashes" or horizontal strokes right through it.
The personal pronoun "I" seems significantly larger than other letters and words.
The handwriting style of the signature is very different from the handwriting style found in the rest of the sample.

Lead-in Strokes on SMALL letters

Initial strokes missing....

Initial stroke tiny...

Initial stroke a hook...

Initial stroke curved...

Initial stroke long and inflexible...

Initial stroke starts and goes left instead of right, before looping back around into the actual letter...

Initial stroke normal...

Nothing fits...
